Getting Started: Nutrition

The very first thing that you want to ask yourself is why do I eat? It may seem like an unnecessary question because we all need to eat to survive but most people do not eat for the right reasons. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned from a young age to eat for comfort or happiness. Food, however, is not meant for anything more than energy. In order to get on the right path with your nutrition you have to look at food as fuel. 

Your three main sources of energy are carbohydrates, fats and protein. They are what we call macronutrients because they make up the majority of our diet.

Carbohydrates are used by our body to give us energy. They can be consumed in bread, whole grains, vegetables and rice. Most dietitians recommend carbohydrates make up between 25-40% of our diet. There are also different types of carbohydrates, complex carbs and simple carbs, for example. 

Fats are also used by the body for energy. As a matter of fact, fat is our brain's main fuel source. Although fat has gotten a bad reputation and consuming too much definitely is not recommended, it is necessary in our diets. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential to our bodies and can be found in vegetable oils, fish and nuts. 

Protein is what our body uses to create and maintain muscle so it is obviously important. Most dietitians would recommend we consume approximately 80% of our body weight in grams of protein. For example a 200 pound man would consume 160 grams of protein daily. This however, depends on your activity level and fitness goals. 

When determining how much energy our body needs, we have to keep in mind how much each macronutrient provides. Carbohydrates and proteins both provide 4 Calories per gram, and fat provides 9 Calories per gram. 

If your goal is to lose weight or body fat then you must create a caloric deficit. That means that you should be burning more calories (energy) than you take in. Counting calories can be stressful and cause headaches. So, don't go down that road just yet. Instead, do your best to follow these tips.

- Eat real food. Stay away from supplements and processed snacks

- Consume more veggies/fruits

- Make your portions a bit smaller

- Eat several small meals throughout the day

Samuel Duran