Building a House

A new home is probably on many new year's resolutions lists. Having a home of your own is a great accomplishment, one that takes lots of work and great economic discipline. Most people though, are looking to buy a home that has already been built. They will shop the market for their ideal neighborhood, a certain amount of space, rooms and key features. Buying a new home is just easier and much more convenient than building your own home right? I am not talking about hiring people to build a home made especially just for you, I mean literally building it all on your own. Lets take a look at some of the specialties one might require for such a project.

One, you need some great construction work. The most important part of any building is a strong and durable foundation. If you have never mixed cement, laid it and then smoothed it out to a level surface this may be an issue. Same goes for the woodwork, dry wall and nailing needed for your walls.

Up next, plumbing. Not too hard right? Just make sure the pipes go down hill and keep feces out of your home. All those pipes that we don't see are so important in making sure that your clean water and dirty water do not mix and end up in the right places. Maybe you don't want to wing that one.

Electricity, nothing alarming here. Hook up some wires and if it doesn't work just swap them, no worries! NO. Electricity is no joke, mess up some wires and/or connection and you may visiting the hospital soon.

If you want to build a house, hiring experts in all of these areas is probably the wiser move. You can't just wing it when it comes to something so important to you and your family. The same goes for your body.

Many people are going to "hit the gym" starting next Monday with no plan, no knowledge, and no idea as to what to do. They are going to sweat and do what seems right with no direction or understanding of their own body's limits and abilities. 

If you were going to build that dream house of yours, you would want a great contractor or architect. Someone to let you know if a three story, five bedroom is possible on that lot and what it's going to take to get there. Well. building your body works the same way.

Hire a personal trainer. Not just anyone either, do your research, ask for recommendations etc. You have goals and an idea of what you would like to do, that's a great starting point, but you need to make sure you get there safely! A respectable personal trainer will be able to provide you vital information for that journey you are about to embark on and do much more than just get you to sweat. 

A house can be made for you, it can be built and rebuilt whenever you'd like. Your body however, is the only one you will ever have, it's up to you to invest in it wisely. 

Samuel Duran