Watch Your Back

Ask practically anyone to show you their muscle or flex their muscle, and 99% of the time you're going to get a biceps flex. From a very young age we are taught, purposely or accidentally, to focus on the muscles we can see in the mirror. These “show me” muscles (chest, abdominals, biceps and shoulders) consequently become the focal point of the average joe’s gym routine. 

As a result, most people's posterior chain is neglected. Over working the chest and shoulders while ignoring your back can cause an imbalance in your posture. This will pull your shoulders forward, creating an arch in your upper back. Add this to the fact that so many Americans sit at desks, cars and couches all day and you've got yourself a serious problem. Not to mention, everyone staring at a screen the majority of the time. 

So, what can you do to help your posture and overall health? Switch your focus, watch your back! Your back is made up of many muscles (as you can see above). Therefore, for every chest exercise, perform two back exercises. Not only will this help the imbalance that has been built up for years, it will help you build your back up as a whole. 

Making your back a focal point does not have to be complicated and it doesn't even require a “back day”. Simply add a few compound exercises to your routine. 

When it comes to the back, it helps to categorize your exercises into two categories: vertical and horizontal. A vertical back movement will have you standing or sitting straight up. Typically these exercises focus on the trapezius and latissimus dorsi. A horizontal movement will have you laying face down or standing while hinging at the hips. This position allows you to focus on the there's major and minor, erector spinae, and rhomboids. 

Strengthening your back as a whole will help pull your shoulders back, improving your posture and your overall health. It will also help keep your spine protected and strengthen your core. And if you need another reason to build up your back, it will lead to gains in strength on your chest and overhead press as well! 

Samuel Duran